Saturday, February 2, 2008

Hi there friends and family. This is my first blog and well..I have thought about doing this for awhile now. The only way I will be able to remember all of the details in Isaac's life and our new baby to be in August. I am on the internet basically a lot of time....I hope somehow this blog blesses you and your family and shares some insight into our unique family. signing off for tonight!! Jessica and Jennie please help me and encourage me. ...oh!! this is Isaac in his new HUGE backyard..well bigger than a condo deck!! He is 16 months old in this picture and ohh soo loves his.....BIG RED CAR from Nana.


Jennie said...

I LOVE it Kristen! It looks great!!!

Jessica said...

keep it up.
Just make it be whataever you want it to be!

Crystal said...

Hey Kristen!
I'm so excited you have a blog now! It looks great!